
Celebrating the 75th PGEMP Programme batch at SPJIMR with a coffee table book, AV, and on social media

SPJIMR’s executive management programme was the first of its kind in India and the only one when it was launched. As the 75th batch was approaching, the institute wanted to celebrate. And deservedly so.

A brainstorm with the client helped us find a creative outlet that people would love to own and retain: a coffee table book with 75 interviews that were a mix of alumni, students, faculty, and nonteaching staff from the first batch to the seventy-fourth. Easier said than done. It was a logistical nightmare to coordinate and block time, but we thought it was worth the effort. The only drawback was that the list of seventy-five dwindled to forty.

We began by researching the programme, its evolution, and how it had changed to keep pace with changes in the business landscape. We also did our homework on the people shortlisted for the interviews before meeting them and interviewing them. This was simply to ensure no overlap or repetition of information or experiences.

The geographical spread of the interviewees (from Assam to Tamil Nadu) also necessitated a detailed plan and specific instructions to the locally available photographers for people who could not be present in Mumbai for the shoot.

Eight months of intense coordination, draughts, and photography finally came to an end with the release of the book during the inauguration of the 75th batch. It was printed on heavy matte paper for an understated look. This book also doubled up as a marketing tool because it offered an unabashed 360-degree perspective of the programme from inception until the date of print.

The complete design thinking package was flexible enough for adapting the book for an audio-visual presentation. The contents later made their way onto social media and were very effective.


analysisbook designcolour correctionConceptualisingDesign thinkingeditingfact-checkingguidelines for photographyimage mixinginterviewinglayoutsphoto editingPlaque designproofreadingresearchSlides for AVSocial media postsStandee designsupervision of photographysupervision of printingtranscriptionvolunteer badge designwriting

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