Outlook Business
Outlook Business was in the process of changing its look and had already redesigned its logo. They came to us with a clear mandate after their masthead redesign. They wanted a contemporary look that would be easy to implement by a small team. A plug-and-play template that could be used by both the editing and design teams, and yet they did not want to let go of their existing legacy.
Design thinking had to approach the problem from two directly opposed perspectives and unify them. After mulling it over, we realised that the solution was staring us in the face. Retain what works and change what looks dated.
We retained the existing fonts, tweaked the margins, altered the slugs (page numbers and topics at either the top or bottom of the pages) and folios, added vertical and horizontal rules, and used a different colour palette for the publication.
We also realised that their visual representation of data was clunky and very basic, which was unappealing to a modern, younger audience. We worked around the limitations of the team to create new-age, colourful, typography-based templates for both the pages and the infographics to make the pages look dramatically different. The new look is bold, contemporary, and yet classic.